International Citizen Founders Sheena and Laura talk about their Fall 2014 men's and women's collection at MAGIC. International Citizen...
LA Fashion Magazine Interview
Interview with LA Fashion Magazine at WWDMAGIC, Las Vegas, 2014 Founders and designers Sheena Gao and Laura Krusemark discuss their new...
Loaded TV Discuss International Citizen hosts Natalie Jones & Brandi Dequin interview fashion guru Joseph Squellati about a new fashion line, International Citizen...
Interview with Designer Jolanta Vizbaras and Zarjo
Statement fashion wraps with designer Jolanta Vizbaras, Zarjo interviewed by Sheena Gao for MBN Newsvideoweb at at Connected Celebrity...
PR artical about Sheena Gao and Laura Krusemar on their edgy contemporary fashion line International Citizen: International Citizen...
International Citizen Fashion Charity Involvement
Get involved with the local charity is important to International Citizen Design House, help with the young homeless girls by giving them...
The Story about International Citizen
Sheena, Laura and her friends travel around world, gain experience and inspiration for their fashion line International Citizen. Here is...
Fashion News Alive
International Citizen Spring Summer 2012 Collection at Los Angeles Fashion Week, recorded by Fashion News Alive.
International Citizen [i.CTZN] co founder Sheena Gao talks about her thoughts on Christmas in Chinese Magazine Shang!
MAGIC 2011
Vintage military style clothing with Sheena Gao and Laura Krusemark, International Citizen interviewed by Joyce Chow of MBN and...